Conclusions & Recommendations: Using a Policy Framework to Increase Study Utility


This workshop will explore theory and techniques that can be applied to maximize the impact of evaluation results for clients. Using a policy perspective, participants will discuss considerations when drawing conclusions and will think about strategies to develop meaningful recommendations. In particular:

  • Issues associated with robust data analysis and synthesis will be explored
  • Constraints and biases that work against useful evaluation conclusions and recommendations will be considered
  • A policy framework will be presented and a draft policy checklist will be shared
  • Strategies to marshal the evidence and develop astute recommendations will be discussed
  • A client-based scenario using the policy checklist will be described
  • A case study of conclusions and recommendations will be analyzed and possible improvements consideredParticipants will take away fresh ideas, useful techniques and a new tool to use to increase the utilization of evaluation findings for decision makers.

You will learn:

  • to explore issues associated with robust data analysis and synthesis and consider constraints and biases that work against useful evaluation conclusions & recommendations
  • to review a policy framework and consider strategies to develop astute recommendations
  • to discuss a sample set of conclusions and recommendations and apply a policy checklist
  • to consider possible improvements and ways to increase study utility


Gail Vallance Barrington, Barrington Research Group, has 30 years experience as a program evaluator and applied researcher. In 2008, she won the Canadian Evaluation Society award for her Contribution to Evaluation in Canada. She teaches courses in evaluation for Athabasca University and Michigan State University. Her 2012 book, Consulting Start-up and Management: A Guide for Evaluators and Applied Researchers has been well received. She is Vice President of the Canadian Evaluation Society responsible for the CE program.






Experience conducting evaluations and preparing final reports.


Wednesday, June 8 from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm

Link to CE competencies for evaluators

  • Explore issues associated with robust data analysis and synthesis
  • Consider constraints and biases that work against useful evaluation conclusions and recommendations
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